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1. Luật biên giới quốc gia: [Zakon o gosudarstvennoj granitse]. URL:
2. Kommunisticheskaya partiya V'etnama. Dokumenty XII s'ezda. Khanoj: Gos. polit. izd-vo, 2016. S. 34.
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13. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe wraps up Vietnam visit. Onlajn izdanie gazety «Nyanzan». URL:
14. Vietnam wooing Japanese high-tech investment, premier says during Shinzo Abe’s visit. Onlajn izdanie gazety «The Straight Times». URL:
15. Military Meeting Puts Japan-Vietnam Defense Ties in the Headlines. Onlajn zhurnal «The Diplomat». URL:
16. India firming up military ties with Vietnam. Onlajn zhurnal «The Economic Times» URL: 53014998.cms.
17. Why the Vietnam President’s India Visit Matters for Security Ties. Onlajn zhurnal «The Diplomat».URL:
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19. Joint Statement between the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. November,12, 2017. URL:
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21. South China Sea dispute ‘toned down’ at ASEAN meeting. Sajt informatsionnogo agentstva «Nikkehj». URL:
22. Ibid.