Modern Approaches of Vietnam to Dispute Resolution in the South China Sea

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Attaché of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, MGIMO (U) candidate
Affiliation: MGIMO (U)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 6

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current approaches and practise that are employed in a foreign policy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam which is one of the most active participants in the South China Sea (SCS) territorial disputes. Being confident in the inviolability of its own rights for the part of SCS areas, archipelagos and islands Hanoi is searching for diplomatic, political and military instruments to face its key antagonist in SCS — the Peoples’ Republic of China. At the same time Vietnam tries not to damage relations with China that is its crucial economic and trade partner.

KeywordsSouth China Sea, territorial disputes, China, Vietnam, ASEAN, USA, Japan, international relations
Publication date28.12.2018
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