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1. Documents from the Archive of the Defense Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense of Japan (Arhiv NIIO MNO). (In Jap.)
2. Documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TSAMO). (In Russ.)
3. Documents from the National Archives of Japan. (In Jap.)
4. Documents from the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI). (In Russ.)
5. Documents from the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA). (In Russ.)
6. Konstantinov G.D. Osobaya internacional'naya. 88-ya otdel'naya strelkovaya brigada Dal'nevostochnogo fronta (Special international. 88th Separate Rifle Brigade of the Far Eastern Front). Habarovsk: DIC «Priamurskie vedomosti», 2015. 240 s. (In Russ.)
7. Mazerkin Yu.P. Bor'ba organov gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti Primor'ya s podryvnoj deyatel'nost'yu yaponskoj razvedki v 1941–1945 godah (The struggle of the state security organs of Primorye with the subversive activities of Japanese intelligence in 1941–1945). Trudy Vysshej shkoly KGB. 1971. No. 2. S. 137–149 (In Russ.)
8. Organy gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti SSSR vo Vtoroj mirovoj vojne. Pobeda nad YAponiej: Sbornik dokumentov (State security agencies of the USSR in World War II. Victory over Japan: A collection of documents). M.: Fond «Svyaz' Epoh», Kuchkovo pole, 2020. 824 s. (In Russ.)
9. Petrov I.F. Bor'ba organov gosbezopasnosti Habarovskogo kraya s podryvnoj deyatel'nost'yu yaponskoj razvedki v predvoennye i voennye gody (The struggle of the state security organs of the Khabarovsk Territory with the subversive activities of Japanese intelligence in the pre-war and war years). Trudy Vysshej shkoly KGB. 1971. No. 2. S. 150–159 (In Russ.)
10. Polutov A.V. Upravlenie gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti Man'chzhou-Go (1937–1945 gg.) (Manchukuo State Security Agency (1937–1945)). Vestnik DVO RAN. 2013. No, 1. S. 169–181 (In Russ.)
11. Russkij arhiv: Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna. Sovetsko-yaponskaya vojna. 18 (7–1). Sovetsko-yaponskaya vojna 1945 g. Istoriya voenno-politicheskogo protivoborstva dvuh derzhav v 30–40-e gody: Dokumenty i materialy v 2 t. (Russian Archive: The Great Patriotic War. The Soviet-Japanese War. 18 (7–1). The Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 The history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30–40s: Documents and materials in 2 vols.). M.: TERRA, 1997. 431 s. (In Russ.)
12. Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna 1941–1945 godov. T. 6. Tajnaya vojna. Razvedka i kontrrazvedka v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny (The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Vol. 6. The Secret War. Intelligence and counterintelligence during the Great Patriotic War.). M.: Kuchkovo pole, 2013. 864 s. (In Russ.)
13. 西原征夫. 全記録ハルビン特務機関. 関東軍情報部の軌跡 (Nishihara Yukio. The complete chronicle of the Harbin military mission: In the footsteps of the Information and Intelligence Directorate of the Kwantung Army). 東京: 毎日新聞社, 1980年. 300頁. (In Jap.)