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4. Dai Viet su ky tuc bien (Continuation of the complete collection of the historical notes of Dai Viet). Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc xa hoi, 1991. 484 tr. (In Viet.)
5. 大越史記續編 (Dai Viet su ky tuc bien, Continuation of the complete collection of the historical notes of Dai Viet). Manuscrit A.1189. (In Hanviet)
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10. Kham dinh Viet su thong giam cuong muc (Reflected history of Viet, base and details, created on the Emperor's command). T. 1–2. Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Giao duc, 2007. (In Viet.)
11. 欽定越史通鑒綱(Kham dinh Viet su thong giam cuong muc, Reflectedhistory of Viet, base and details, created on the Emperor's command). Xylograph A.2674. (In Hanviet)
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13. 歷朝襍紀 (Lich trieu tap ky, Various records of past dynasties). ТТ. 1–4, 6. Manuscrit Vhv.1321. (In Hanviet)
14. Ngo Cao Lang. Lich trieu tap ky (Various records of past dynasties). Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc xa hoi, 1995. 696 tr. (In Viet.)
15. Phan Huy Chu. Lich trieu hien chuong loai chi (Classified description of past dynasties). T. 1–4. Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Su hoc, 1960–1961. (In Viet.)
16. Polnoye sobraniye istoricheskih zapisok Daivieta (Dai Viet su ky toan thu) (The complete collection of the historical notes of Dai Viet). TT. 1–8. M.: Vostochnaya literatura. 2002–2022. (In Russ.)