The Relationship between Innovative Development and the Quality of Life of the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region and the Subjects of the Far East

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Research Institute of Regional Economy of the North, North-Eastern Federal University
Address: 58 Belinsky str, Yakutsk, 677027, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

The subject of the study is the socio-economic system "innovation activity—the quality of life of the population". The purpose of the work is to determine the degree of interrelation of innovative development and the standard of living of the population in the regions. The research is based on the application of standard methods of data collection and processing, correlation analysis and rating assessment. The official data of statistical collections, foreign and domestic sources of ratings on the global innovation Index (GII), the Human Development Index (HDI), the Quality of life index (QLI) and the value of the Russian Regional Innovation Index (RRII) were used as an information base. Comparative analyses and assessments were carried out for the regions of the Far East and neighboring countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR). According to the GII-2021 rating, the APR countries are among the top 15, Russia ranks 45th out of 132 countries, and according to the HDI-2019: Hong Kong is among the top five, the rest of the countries are ranked 11th, Russia occupies 52 position. Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territory, the Republic of Buryatia occupy the leading positions according to the RRII rating. On the basis of the author's econometric model “Triple Helix”, the shares of the actors' contribution to the overall innovative development of the regions of the Far East are determined. It is shown that the three leaders (Sakhalin Region, Khabarovsk and Kamchatka Territory) QLI values than in Russia as a whole, and six regions of the Far East are characterized by an average level of quality of life of the population. The results of the study of the relationship between innovative development and quality of life confirm the existence of a certain correlation between the indicators of RRI/QLI and GII/HDI, which allows us to use standard regression formulas for modeling predictive estimates of the impact of innovative development on improving the level and quality of life of the population in the regions. The results of the work can be useful to the executive bodies of the state authorities of the regions for strategic planning and management of the development of the innovative economy and civil society of the macroregions.

KeywordsAsia-Pacific region, Far East, innovative development; level and quality of life, rating assessment, correlation analysis
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared as part of the implementation of the state task of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation under by topic “Patterns of spatial organization and spatial development of socio-economic systems of the northern region of the resource type” (the project No. FSRG-2020-0010).
Publication date24.10.2022
Number of characters26419
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