“Sunset” of Imperial and “Rise” of Soviet Policy in Xinjiang Province: Diplomats of the Former Russian Empire and “Soviet Consuls” in 1917-1920

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 12 Rozhdestvenka str., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

The article reveals the peculiarities of diplomatic relations between Russia and China in East Turkestan (Xinjiang) in 1917-1920. After the collapse of the Russian Empire and the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia, diplomats representing the interests of the former Russian state remained in their posts and continued to perform their duties. So did the Russian consuls in the Chinese province of Xinjiang — A.A. Dyakov, V.V. Dolbezhev, V.F. Luba, A.I. Uspensky. After the October revolution of 1917 the leadership of Soviet Russia sent its representatives to China, demanding the resignation of the consuls of the former Russian Empire. The Chinese authorities at the official level did not recognize the government of Soviet Russia and refused to establish relations with the representatives who arrived, at the same time allowing the leadership of the border provinces of China, in particular, Xinjiang province, to carry out informal contacts with them. The representatives of Soviet Russia who arrived in Xinjiang demanded not only the termination of the powers of the former tsarist consuls, but also their extradition, but were refused. The instability of the situation in Russia and the threat of the introduction of Red Army units into the territory of the province forced its authorities to continue contacts with Soviet representatives, while maintaining relations with former consuls. The events on the fronts of the Civil War led to the fact that the authorities of Xinjiang finally refocused on establishing relations with representatives of Soviet Russia, and the former tsarist consuls, except A.A. Dyakov, left Xinjiang, and then China.

KeywordsChina, Soviet Russia, Civil War, Xinjiang, consuls, Soviet representatives
Publication date24.10.2022
Number of characters44044
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