Problems of the Conflict on the CER in the works of Soviet scientists of the first half of the XX century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 12, Rozhdestvenka St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 107031
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 1

The article is devoted to the problem of the Conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in the works of Soviet orientalist experts — contemporaries of the events. The Conflict on the CER is the Soviet-Chinese confrontation on the Chinese Eastern Railway, starting in 1924. The chronological framework is determined by the history of the Conflict of the Chinese Eastern Railway — the period of the second half of the 1920s — early 1930s. Already at the end of 1924, the first conflict between the Soviet and Chinese sides of the road took place. The conflict at the Chinese Eastern Railway in early 1926 moved to a qualitatively new level. The Soviet-Chinese Conflict at the CER in 1929 was already a military conflict between the two countries. In the 1920s-1930s little attention was paid to this conflict in Soviet literature. The reason for the increased interest of the public and expert experts in the Conflict at the Chinese Eastern Railroad was the sharp aggravation of the conflict and the military events of 1929. Already in 1929, brochures describing the military conflict were published in Siberia, and detailed materials on the problems of the Conflict at the Chinese Eastern Railroad appeared in periodicals. The source for the research was the publications of the contemporaries of the events. The works of Soviet orientalists such as B.N. Melnikov, S.A. Dridzo, A.A. Ivanov, G.N. Zarkhin, G.B. Skalov, V.Ya. Aboltin. In addition, other publications by various authors devoted to the Soviet-Chinese Conflict at the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929 were considered. Analysis of the publications made it possible to conclude that an extremely simplified picture of events was given in the Soviet scientific and popular science literature, the analysis of problems was replaced by propaganda and ideological clichés, the authors reduced the causes of the conflict to the intrigues of external enemies.

KeywordsThe Conflict on the CER, the historiography of Soviet-Chinese relations, Soviet experts-orientalists
Publication date16.02.2022
Number of characters29203
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