Reply to T.M. Simbirtseva and S.V. Volkov: Facts Against Fantasies

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

This article provides an analysis of scientific research on the life and activities of the first Russian charge d’ affaires and consul general in Korea Karl I. Waeber, shows the specific contribution of scholars to the study of the professional biography of this outstanding diplomat. Despite the fact that the activity of K.I. Weber in Korea is partially reflected in the works of Boris D. Pak and Bella B. Pak on the history of Russo-Korean relations, as well as in several separate articles, the first special monographic work on this topic belongs to the pen of the author of this article. The monographic research focuses on a detailed coverage of the tasks, goals facing Waeber in Korea, the specific forms and conditions for their implementation, the impact he exerts on the course of the Russian government towards Korea; analysis of the most complex international circumstances, against the background of which he made certain decisions.


This article contains answers to T.M. Simbirtseva and S.V. Volkov’s critical remarks regarding some of the information and photographic documents given in the work concerning K.I. Waeber and the accusations against the author of the article in connection with the publication in Germany in the summer of 2021 of Dr. S. Braezel's photobook "Pictures of the life of a diplomat between Europe and East Asia: Karl von Waeber (1841-1910)". The author of the article drew attention to some erroneous judgments in the article by T.M. Simbirtseva and S.V. Volkov, formed due to ignorance and bias, analyzed and refuted the most unfounded accusations, clarified the position regarding new information about K.I. Waeber.

KeywordsRussian-Korean relations in the 19th century, KI Weber, Kojong, Russian diplomatic mission in Seoul, fantasies, libel in science
Publication date18.10.2021
Number of characters27516
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