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1. Volkova E.A., Lukina L.V., Lapteva Yu.I. Koncept «ostroyj silih» v issledovaniyakh vneshnepoliticheskikh strategiyj (The concept of "sharp power" in the study of foreign policy strategies) // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoriya. Politologiya. Sociologiya. 2020. № 1.
2. Lazorkina O.I. «Sharp power» ili avtoritarizm v deyjstvii ("Sharp power" or authoritarianism in action) // Diplomatiya Belarusi: proshloe i nastoyathee: materialih nauchnogo seminara, Minsk, 28 marta 2019 g. Minsk, 2019. S.27–31.
3. Leonova O.G. Sharp power — novaya tekhnologiya vliyaniya v globaljnom mire (Sharp power — a new technology of influence in the global world) // Mirovaya ehkonomika i mezhdunarodnihe otnosheniya. 2019. T. 63. № 2.
4. Makhmud A.Kh. Sharp Power. Popihtka zapadnihkh avtorov razdelitj myagkuyu silu na «svoyu» i «chuzhuyu» (Sharp Power. An attempt by Western authors to divide soft power into "ours" and "aliens") // Vestnik RGGU. Seriya: Politologiya. Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnihe otnosheniya. 2020. № 4–2.
5. Romanov A.A. «Voyjnih bez voyjn»: rolj i vliyanie postpravdivihkh diskursivnihkh praktik «ostroyj silih» v informacionnom protivostoyanii ("Wars without wars": the role and influence of post-truth discursive practices of "acute power" in information confrontation) // Cifrovizaciya: tekhnologicheskie resursih, novihe vozmozhnosti i vihzovih vremeni. Sbornik nauchnihkh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoyj nauchno-prakticheskoyj konferencii. Tverj, 2020.
6. Romanov A.A., Romanova L.A. Agressivnihe kommunikativnihe praktiki «ostroyj silih» v politicheskoyj kontrdiskussii (Aggressive communicative practices of "sharp power" in political counter-discussion) // Fenomen patriotizma v transstrukturnom kommunikacionnom pole. Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoyj nauchno-prakticheskoyj konferencii. Nizhniyj Novgorod, 2020.
7. Romanov A.A., Romanova L.A. Diskursivnihe praktiki «ostroyj silih» v informacionnihkh «voyjnakh bez voyjn» (Discursive practices of "sharp power" in information "wars without wars") // Yazihkovoyj diskurs v socialjnoyj praktike. Sbornik nauchnihkh trudov Mezhdunarodnoyj nauchno-prakticheskoyj konferencii. Tverj, 3–4 aprelya 2020 g. Tverj, 2020.
8. Romanov A.A., Romanova L.A. Strategicheskiyj resurs kommunikativnihkh praktik ostroyj silih» v informacionnom protivostoyanii «voyjna bez voyjnih» (Strategic resource of communicative practices of sharp power "in the information confrontation "war without war") // Chelovek i yazihk v kommunikativnom prostranstve: sbornik nauchnihkh stateyj. 2020. № 11 (20).
9. Romanov A.A., Romanova L.A., Morozova O.N. Kommunikativnihe praktiki «ostroyj silih» kak strategicheskie markerih verbaljnoyj agressii v informacionnihkh «vonakh bez voyjnih» (Communicative practices of "sharp power" as strategic markers of verbal aggression in information "wars without war") // Mir lingvistiki i kommunikacii: ehlektronnihyj nauchnihyj zhurnal. 2020. № 59.
10. Tabarinceva-Romanova K.M. Novihe S-mothi gosudarstva: teoreticheskiyj aspekt (Soft, Smart, Sharp Power) (New S-powers of the state: theoretical aspect (Soft, Smart, Sharp Power) // Diplomaticheskaya sluzhba. 2021. № 1.
11. Therbina A. Strashna li nam «ostraya sila»? Ehkspertih obsudili, chto i kak ugrozhaet rossiyjskoyj gosudarstvennosti (Are "sharp power" scary for us? Experts discussed what and how threatens Russian statehood) // Stoletie. Informacionno-analiticheskoe izdanie Fonda istoricheskoyj perspektivih. 2018. 21 noyabrya. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
12. Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy /Eds. by Marc F Plattner, Larry Jay Diamond, Christopher Walker. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
13. China, Russia Deploying ‘Sharp Power’ to Quietly Penetrate Democracies // The Washington Free Beacon. December 7, 2017. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
14. Democracies Should Fight Sharp Power with Soft Power // Pacific Council. August 15, 2018. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
15. Fulda A. The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Sharp Power and its Discontents. London; New York: Routledge, 2020.
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17. Hamilton C. Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia. Melbourne: Hardie Grant Books, 2018.
18. Kim Taehwan. Authoritarian Sharp Power: Comparing China and Russia // The Asan Forum. June 18, 2018. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
19. Manthorpe J. Claws of the Panda: Beijing's Campaign of Influence and Intimidation in Canada. Toronto: CNIB, 2019.
20. Messa P. The Age of Sharp Power: the Interference of China, Russia and Iran abroad, the Italy case. Milano: EGEA Spa — Bocconi University Press, 2019.
21. Nye Jr., Joseph S. China’s Soft and Sharp Power // Project Syndicate. January 4, 2018. URL:—nye-2018–01. (accessed: 10.05.2021)
22. Nye Jr., Joseph S. How Sharp Power Threatens Soft Power // Foreign Affairs. January 24, 2018. URL:–01–24/how-sharp-power-threatens-soft-power?cid=int-fls&pgtype=hpg.
23. Short S. Sharp Power: China’s Solution to Maintaining the Legitimacy of its Non-Interference Policy, University of Iowa, 4 May, 2018 // Honors Theses at the University of Iowa. Spring 2018. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
24. What to do about China’s “sharp power”. China is manipulating decision-makers in Western democracies. The best defense is transparency // The Economist. December 14th 2017. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
25. Walker Ch. Russian and Chinese sharp power // Financial Times. 8 July, 2018. URL:–11e8-af48–190d103e32a4.
26. Walker Ch. The Authoritarian Threat: The Hijacking of Soft Power // Journal of Democracy. Vol. 27. № 1. January 2016. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
27. Walker Ch. The Point of Sharp Power // Project Syndicate. February 1, 2018. URL:–02. (accessed: 10.05.2021)
28. Walker Ch. What is «Sharp Power»? // Journal of Democracy. Vol. 29. № 3. July 2018. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
29. Walker Ch., Ludwig J. The Meaning of Sharp Power — How Authoritarian States Project Influence // Foreign Affairs. 16 November, 2017. URL:–11–16/meaning-sharp-power?cid=int-fls&pgtype=hpg/. (accessed: 10.05.2021)
30. Walker Ch., Ludwig J. Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence in the Democratic World. National Endowment for Democracy: International Forum for Democratic Studies, 2017. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)
31. Walker Ch., Ludwig J., Kalathi Sh. The Cutting Edge of Sharp Power // Journal of Democracy. Vol. 31. № 1. January 2020. URL: (accessed: 10.05.2021)