Russia and China in the “World Disoder” of the XXI Century: Is the Union Rational?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Acting Editor-in-Chief
Affiliation: Far Eastern Affairs Journal
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 6

The author analyzes the discussion in scientific circles and the media on the expediency of transferring partnership relations between Russia and China in a union format with an emphasis on the military aspect of their interaction. Under consideration are his arguments in favor of inexpediency and irrationality of the conclusion of such union in the context of the current global situation, when the new world order has not yet been finalized. Referring to the history of allied relations between the USSR and the PRC in the 1950s — 1960s, the author concludes that one of the factors contributing to their breakdown at that time was the Soviet leadership's ignorance of the specifics, and the history of Chinese civilization which contributed to the formation of a special " Chinese psychotype" that became the root of incompatibility of national mentalites in the USSR and China, and influenced, among other reasons, on the strength of the two countries union in the middle of the XX century. Based on the data of Chinese expert assessments, the prevailing in the scientific community of the PRC is the opinion about the preferences between the two countries of partnership relations and the absence of the need to give them the character of allied ties.

KeywordsRussia, China, USA, world order, partnership, union, interaction, confrontation, national mentality, psychotype
Publication date15.12.2020
Number of characters40561
100 rub.
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