A Look at the History of the Training Brigade of the Northeast United Anti-Japanese Army through the Prism of the Soviet-Japanese War

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate professor
Affiliation: East China Normal University in China
Address: China, Shanghai
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

The training brigade of the Northeast United Anti-Japanese Army (also known as the "88th Separate Rifle Brigade of the Far Eastern Front") was created in August 1942. The bulk of the Chinese and Korean officers and soldiers of the "Northeast United Anti-Japanese Army" border in the Far East around 1940. After its creation, most of the time the training brigade was on the territory of the Soviet Union for political and military training. During this period, she returned to Northeast China in the form of small military groups, which were engaged in carrying out information and reconnaissance work and solving other tasks for the Soviet Far Eastern Front and the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since the beginning of the Soviet-Japanese war, the leadership of the Far Eastern Front intended to bring the training brigade into the war, but Japan announced its surrender before the brigade had time to enter hostilities. In September 1945, the leadership of the Far Eastern Front ordered Zhou Baozhong and Kim Il Sung to lead the Chinese and Korean part of the soldiers in the Training Brigade and return to Northeast China and the occupation zones of the USSR in Korea, respectively, to help Soviet troops maintain order on these territories.

KeywordsTraining brigade of the United Army of Northeast China, Stalin, Zhou Baozhong, Soviet Red Army
Publication date07.11.2020
Number of characters57327
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