International and Regional Security Agenda for RIC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Far Eastern Affairs Studies Journal
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

The foundation of the dialogue and consultation mechanism of Russia-India-China (RIC) is a broad match and/or proximity of views of the respective countries on the key current issues, including security problems. The main global tendencies and challenges, situation in the Asia Pacific, in Central Asia and Afghanistan, and in the hot spots, are in the focus of the trilateral dialogue.

The RIC agenda includes strategic stability, the system of arms control and the new formula of nuclear non-proliferation, joint countering the threat of international terrorism and other non-traditional challenges and security threats, as well as prospects of political-military cooperation in the RIC format, i.e. promotion of the cooperation security concept, military transparency and confidence-building measures, joint military exercises, regional security system in the Persian Gulf, cybersecurity, etc.

KeywordsRussia-India-China, dialogue and consultation mechanism, international and regional security, norms and rules of the multipolar world, strategic stability, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Publication date07.11.2020
Number of characters27351
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