From the History of the Soviet — Chinese Rail Freight: Grodekovo and Zabaikalsk (1950–60th ears)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Affiliation: Eastern State Transport University
Address: Russian Federation, Khabarovsk
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 4

The article deals with various forms of interaction between the USSR and China in the field of railway transport in the 1950s and 60s — freight transportation through the station of Grodekovo of Khabarovsk territory and the station of Zabaikalsk of Chita region. The author shows the great role of the Far Eastern and Zabaikalskaya Railways in the transport corridor "The USSR — China". Statistical data of the State archives of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories allowed to confirm the conclusions made by researchers in relation to the Soviet-Chinese transportation in Transbaikalia. Thus, both sides of transportation (the USSR and China) needed certain raw materials and mutually complemented each other. The data on the hard work of the station Grodekovo, measures to strengthen the station technical equipment. The author notes the work of international regulatory bodies — Meetings of representatives of Railways and foreign trade organizations of the socialist countries of South-East Asia on the harmonization of export-import cargo transportation plans. The Meetings, along with the mixed border railway commissions, played an important role in the development of Soviet-Chinese relations.

KeywordsUSSR, China, railway transportation, cargo, cooperation, the Far East Region, Grodekovo, Zabaikalsk
AcknowledgmentThe publication was carried out with the support of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory (Agreement No. 71 s / 2020 dated August 24, 2020).
Publication date18.09.2020
Number of characters31286
100 rub.
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