Hong Kong — 2019: A Challenge to the “One State — Two Systems” Concept

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: leading researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 1

Mass protests in Hong Kong in 2019 became a part of the growing opposition movement to the reunification with the PRC in 1997. Half time allotted by the 1984 Joint Declaration between the UK and the PRC for the gradual reunification with the PRC in 2047 has passed. Despite the close and mutually beneficial economic ties the reunification of the two systems does not occur. On the contrary, a conflict of identities is growing in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. The Hongkong citizens strive to maintain their autonomy and civil liberties. These sentiments are especially strong among the younger generation, which is the main driving force of the protests. The victory of the opponents to the integration with Beijing in the District Council elections in November 2019 could be the beginning of the formation of political opposition to the course for reunification with Chine and cast doubt on the fundamental feasibility of the concept “One state — Two systems”, the prospects of its extension to relations with Taiwan, and also create a threat to the realization of the "Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation" and the restoration of its world-building functions in the international arena.

Keywords2019 Hong Kong protests, “One country — Two systems”, China, world-building functions, integration in East Asia.
Publication date20.03.2020
Number of characters44510
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