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1. . Guo Chog Tong is the successor to the world-famous Singaporean politician Lee Kuan Yew (19242015), the second Prime Minister of Singapore (19902004), now the Senior Minister of the Government of Singapore, head of the Monetary Authority.
2. . See: URL: eks-premer-singapura-posovetoval-vlastyam-kazaxstana-investirovat-v-lyudej-a-ne-v-neft /
3. . Pakhomova L.F. Prosperity models (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia). M.: Institute of Stock Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007.256 s.
4. . Andrianov V.D., Kuznetsov A.N. Special economic zones in the global economy. M .: Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University; TEIS, 1998.59 s.
5. . Antipov V.I. Singapore: An Economic and Geographical Essay. M .: Thought, 1982. 160 p.
6. . Lee Kuan Y. Singapore History: 1965200.: From the Third World to the First. M .: MGIMO-University, 2010.79 s.
7. . The Postal Savings Bank of Singapore, one of the country's oldest banks, was founded on January 1, 1877, by the British colonial authorities.
8. . Financial development institutions: features of strategic management / ed. V.D. Andrianova. M .: Economics, 2013.278 s.
9. . The Worlds 100 Largest Banks. The list of the largest commercial banks in the world in terms of total assets is annually compiled and published by the international rating agency Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. (S&P).
10. . The assets in this market are state treasury bonds issued by the respective state financial institutions of the countries, as a rule, state treasuries or ministries of finance.
11. . DBS Group Holdings Ltd. Annual Report 2018. (March 6, 2018).
12. . The World's Best Banks 2017. Global Finance names the winners of its 24th annual awards for the Worlds Best Banks, by region and by country // Global Finance Magazine. May, 2017. The rating is based on a comparison of long-term credit ratings and total assets of the 500 largest banks in the world.
13. . Bloomberg Innovation Index - 2019.
14. . All Banks World. October, 2018. URL: rejtingi / nadezhnye-banki-global-finance /
15. . The GFCI rating is compiled by the British consulting company Z / Yen Group, which was established in 1994. In 2018, the company published the 24th edition of the rating. The company estimates financial centers by such indicators as the business environment, the level of development of the financial system, human capital, etc. In 2017, the rating included 96 countries, in 2018 - 100 countries. See: Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI 24). Yen Group Limited, London, September, 2018.
16. . This index characterizes the state of the investment climate and reflects the country's ability to compete with other states for its position in world commodity markets and in the capital market. The Global Competitiveness Index - 2018.