The Phenomenon of Modernization: a Civilizational Dimension The article 1. Interaction Between Civilizations: Presupposition, Condition and Historical Content of the Process of Modernization

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Latin America (ILA RAN)
Address: 21/10, B. Ordynka, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 6

The rticle examines the phenomenon of moderzation in the context of civilizational approach. The author emphasizes the need to overcome the Eurocentric interpretation of modernization and insists on its understanding as a process of Eurocentric interpretation of medernization and insists on its understanding as a process of Intercivilizational Interaction. It is shown that variety and intensity of contacts between the different cultural traditions acts as the premise of the Europe “modern-era” beginning as well as the condition of the modernization process in the “non-Western” world. The main conclusion: the modernization – is the process of creating a new social quality. Its apperance assumes that in the cource of the diverse civilization features interaction there apperas something new, something different for a number of basic parameters of the original participants of interaction.

Keywordsmodernization, values of modernization, modern-design, interaction between civilizations, civilizational identity, identifi cation strategy, subecumenes, “borderline” civilizations
Publication date17.12.2015
Number of characters797
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