Employment in Unfavorable Working Conditions and Social Well-Being of Workers

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head, Centre for Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations of the Institute of Economy RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Economy RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 10

The article, based on data from Rostrud and Rosstat Integrated Monitoring of Living Conditions of the Population, traces the dynamics of employment in unfavorable conditions, and categories of workers who are at greatest risk of ending up in hazardous production zones. Factors are identified and a connection is established between working conditions and certain aspects of the social well-being of workers. Problem areas that require state attention are substantiated: an increase in the share of those employed in heavy labor, the widespread occurrence of stressful situations at work and the omission of a significant part of occupational injuries by statistics. It has been revealed that employment in unfavorable conditions is associated with a number of negative consequences for workers and leads to a significant deterioration in their social well-being.

Keywordsemployment, working conditions, occupational hazards, stress, vulnerability factors, social well-being, job satisfaction
Publication date08.12.2023
Number of characters30329
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