Emotional Resources of the Modern Market in the Context of the Formation of Digital Economy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Managing Director
Affiliation: TsNIIMash Ltd
Address: Russian Federation, Korolev
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 8

The article analyzes the modern market of goods and services in the context of the formation of a digital economy through the prism of satisfying consumer emotions. In particular, it is indicated that the driving forces of commodity-money relations in the space of digital interaction are the strength, novelty and relevant anticipation of the emotions of a person acting as a consumer of products and services. The eco-nomic potential of emotions, according to the authors, is determined by changes in the structure of consumption, a person's focus on the consumption of emotions and his emotional experience. The authors come to the conclusion that a special eco-nomic institution is being formed in digital economy - the expanding market of emotions, with no clear boundaries or quantitative / qualitative ratios. Psycho-graphics of the emotions market consumers’ segmentation is given, with an analy-sis of the role and significance of the consumer emotion flows in the context of the formation of digital economy.

Keywordsconsumer, consumption, resource, market of emotions, goods, satisfaction, ser-vices, economic potential of emotions, economic behavior, digital economy, digital space, emotions, emotional value
Publication date29.09.2023
Number of characters40565
100 rub.
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