Institutional Features Of The Russian Market Of Foreign Labour (In The Context Of Modern Challenges)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Economics, RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 11

One of the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic was the contraction of the labor markets in developed host countries, and the sanctions pressure of the EU countries on Russia, in retaliation for her policy in Ukraine, radically changed the structure of the Russian labor market. The paper proposes a system for analyzing the signs and conditions that determine the institutional features of the use of foreign labor within the national labor market of Russia and developed European countries. The estimates made it possible to state a high frequency of competitive intersections of national personnel and migrants in the Russian labor market, which, together with preferences for cheap labor, is a hindrance to the innovative development of the economy. The development of a methodology for assessing the boundaries of the market of foreign labor will allow to make adjustments to the migration policy and technological development in Russia

Keywordsreimmigration, migration theory, market boundaries of foreign labor, wages, unemployment benefits
Publication date30.11.2022
Number of characters37896
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