Financial education as a tool for the development of human capital

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Association for the Development of Financial Literacy
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: First Deputy Director
Affiliation: Association for the Development of Financial Literacy
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Head of the Department of Strategic Studies of Innovative Development
Affiliation: Joint Stock Company "Institute for Regional Economic Research"
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 7

The rational use of financial resources largely depends on the quality of financial education of the population. With the growth of the financial factor in the life of society, the threats to the population from the incompetent use of modern digital technologies in the economy, in particular in the financial sector, increase. This causes the need to improve the financial knowledge and skills of the population and also the need to create a national system of financial education in Russia. The article considers the humanistic paradigm of the development of human capital as a methodological basis for creating such a system, its values and the tools, as well as new tasks for the movement of financial education volunteers.

Keywordsfinancial education, national security, humanism, human capital, volunteer
Publication date30.08.2022
Number of characters43087
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