Some approaches to increasing the turnover of a small commercial enterprise

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Economics
Affiliation: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
Affiliation: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
Affiliation: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 6

The article highlights the measures aimed at increasing the turnover of a commercial enterprise. The whole set of measures that contribute to the increase in the turnover of a trading enterprise can be combined into two groups: internal and external. Internal events are aimed at increasing the conversion of sales and the average check, while external ones are aimed at increasing customer flow. Tools for internal measures to increase turnover include, firstly, measures aimed at improving the efficiency of retail processes, improving the technology of commodity display and sales of goods, and, secondly, tools for rationalizing the use of the existing material and technical base and increasing inventory turnover. As part of external events, an increase in client flow can be ensured through active marketing and promotional activities of the organization. The purpose of these events is to activate the already existing customer coverage area, as well as its expansion by attracting potential buyers from more remote areas.

Keywordsturnover, commercial enterprise, market trade
Publication date24.06.2022
Number of characters14007
100 rub.
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