Higher-level needs as the basis for the laws of human development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Polar State University
Address: Russian Federation, Norilsk
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 12

Though in scientific papers great attention has been paid to the theory of human needs, the problem of the higher-level human needs has not been directly posed; nevertheless, the prerequisites for this are shown in some articles. The author considers the problem of separating the higher-level needs from the totality of human needs. Higher-level needs form the individual’s special abilities, the reproduction of which is the basis for the economic laws of human development, ensuring the preservation, development and prosperity of civilization.

Keywordsneeds, higher needs, human abilities, laws of human development, the future of civilization
Publication date18.12.2021
Number of characters16981
100 rub.
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