Some blueprints for blockchain technologies development based on economic sociodynamics

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 9
AbstractThe article is devoted to working out a systemic approach to the analysis of the place and role of development institutions as a complex integrated toolkit, the effective use of which is one of the factors for the success of structural modernization of Russian economy.  The article successively examines development institutions as special economic phenomena; identifies their features and differences between self-arising and imposed development institutions; offers a brief retrospective of the formative processes for such institutions, including international institutions; formulates the basic principles of implementing the economic goals of the state through development institutions.
Keywordsself-arising and imposed development institutions, financial and non-financial development institutions; economic policy
Publication date20.09.2019
Number of characters26143
100 rub.
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