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7. Blyakher L.Ye., Yarulin I.F. Kto takiye basmachi? Sovetskoye mifotvorchestvo i stigmatizatsiya Grazhdanskoy voyny v Sredney Azii [Who are the Basmach? Soviet mythmaking and stigmatization of the Civil War in Central Asia] // Politiya: Analiz. Khronika. Prognoz [Politia: Analysis. Chronicle. Forecast]. 2016. № 2 (81). S. 109–123. (In Russ.)
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12. Lysenko Yu.A., Barmin V.A., Anisimova I.V. i dr. Etnopoliticheskiye protsessy v Tsentral'noaziatskikh okrainakh Rossii v period revolyutsiy 1917 g. [Ethnopolitical processes in the Central Asian outskirts of Russia during the revolutions of 1917]. Barnaul, 2017. (In Russ.)
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