On the 70th Anniversary of Marina Pavlovna Eisenstatt

Publication type Personal
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3


Publication date01.05.2021
Number of characters15636
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1. Ajzenshtat M.P. Anglijskie burzhuaznye radikaly i Ost-Indskaya kompaniya 1813–1833 gg. (po parlamentskim materialam) [English bourgeois radicals and the East India Company of 1813–1833 (according to parliamentary materials)] // Problemy Britanskoj istorii [Problems of British History]. Moskva, 1984. P. 189–197. (In Russ.)

2. Ajzenshtat M.P. Anglijskie burzhuaznye radikaly i pereselencheskie kolonii v pervoj polovine XIX v. [English bourgeois radicals and displaced colonies in the first half of the 19th century] // Razvitie politicheskih partij v stranah Zapadnoj Evropy i Ameriki v novoe i novejshee vremya [Development of political parties in the countries of Western Europe and America in the new and modern times]. Moskva, 1984. P. 54–71. (In Russ.)

3. Ajzenshtat M.P. Anglijskij burzhuaznyj radikalizm i kolonial'naya politika Velikobritanii 1815–1848 gg.: diss. … kand. ist. nauk. M., 1985 [English bourgeois radicalism and the colonial policy of Great Britain 1815–1848: diss. ... candidate of historical sciences]. Moskva, 1985. (In Russ.)

4. Ajzenshtat M.P. Britanskaya imperiya [The British Empire] // Rossijskaya istoricheskaya enciklopediya. T. 3. [Russian historical encyclopedia. Vol. 3]. Moskva, 2016. P. 259–272. (In Russ.)

5. Ajzenshtat M.P. Britanskie issledovaniya: tradicii i novacii [British studies: traditions and innovations] // Elektronnyj nauchno-obrazovatel'nyj zhurnal “Istoriya” [Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”]. 2021. № 1 (99). URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840013540-3-1/ (access date: 12.02.2021). (In Russ.)

6. Ajzenshtat M.P. Faktory aktualizacii proshlogo v parlamentskoj polemike Britanii (vtoraya polovina XVIII v.) [Factors of actualization of the past in the parliamentary polemics of Britain (the second half of 18th century)] // Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskij al'manah / Gl. red. M.S. Bobkova [People and texts. Historical almanac / Ed. M.S. Bobkova]. Moskva, 2014. P. 89–113. (In Russ.)

7. Ajzenshtat M.P. Fritredery i kolonial'nye vojny Velikobritanii v konce 30-h – nachale 40-h godov 19 v. [Fritreders and the colonial wars of Great Britain in the late 30s –early 40s of the 19th century] // Problemy Britanskoj istorii [Problems of British History]. Moskva, 1987. P. 178–185. (In Russ.)

8. Ajzenshtat M.P. Istoricheskij mif v politicheskoj kul'ture Britanii 17–18 vv. [Historical Myth in the Political culture of Britain of the 17th–18th centuries] // Elektronnyj nauchno-obrazovatel'nyj zhurnal “Istoriya” [Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”]. 2018. T. 9. Vyp. 6 (70). URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840002269-4-1/ (access date: 12.02.2021). (In Russ.)

9. Ajzenshtat M.P. Istoricheskoe znanie i politicheskaya kul'tura Britanii 18 v.: problemy issledovaniya [Historical knowledge and political culture of Britain in the 18th century: problems of research] // Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskij al'manah. Vyp. 12 / Gl. red. M.S. Bobkova [Historical almanac. Issue 12 / Ed. M.S. Bobkova]. Moskva, 2019. P. 76–95. (In Russ.)

10. Ajzenshtat M.P. Istoricheskoe znanie v politicheskoj kul'ture Britanii vtoroj poloviny XVIII veka [Historical knowledge in the political culture of Britain in the second half of the 18th century]. Moskva, 2019. (In Russ.)

11. Ajzenshtat M.P. Istoriya i mif: kto kogo? [History and myth: who is who?] // Lokus. Lyudi, obshchestvo, kul'tury, smysly [Locus. People, society, cultures, meanings]. 2017. № 41. Moskva, 2017. P. 133–137. (In Russ.)

12. Ajzenshtat M.P. Istoriya kak komponent parlamentskoj polemiki (2-ya polovina 18 veka) [History as a component of parliamentary polemics (2nd half of the 18th century)] // Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskij al'manah. 2012 / Gl. red. M.S. Bobkova [People and Texts. Historical almanac. 2012 / Ed. M.S. Bobkova]. Moskva, 2013. P. 278–294. (In Russ.)

13. Ajzenshtat M.P. Klassika britanskoj belletristiki: Val'ter Skott [Classics of British fiction: Walter Scot] // Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskij al'manah. Vyp. 10. Istoricheskaya belletristika [People and Texts. Historical almanac. Issue 10. Historical fiction]. Moskva, 2017. P. 283–293. (In Russ.)

14. Ajzenshtat M.P. Parlamentskie komitety i komissii v pervoj polovine 19 veka [Parliamentary committees and commissions in the first half of the 19th century] // Iz istorii evropejskogo parlamentarizma. Velikobritaniya [From the History of European Parliamentarism. Great Britain]. Moskva, 1995. P. 124–131. (In Russ.)

15. Ajzenshtat M.P. Pax Britannica: Velikobritaniya [Pax Britannica: United Kingdom] // Vsemirnaya istoriya. T. 5. Mir v XIX veke: na puti k industrial'noj civilizacii [World History. Vol. 5. The world in the 19th century: on the way to industrial civilization]. Moskva, 2014. P. 264–295. (In Russ.)

16. Ajzenshtat M.P. Politika i obshchestvo [Politics and Society] // Vsemirnaya istoriya. T. 5. Mir v 19 veke: na puti k industrial'noj civilizacii (v soavtorstve) [World History. Vol. 5. The world in the 19th century: on the way to industrial civilization (coauthored)]. Moskva, 2014. P. 210–245. (In Russ.)

17. Ajzenshtat M.P. Publikaciya parlamentskih materialov v Velikobritanii 18–19 vv. [Publication of parliamentary materials in Great Britain of the 18th–19th centuries] // Lyudi i teksty. Istoricheskij al'manah. 2014 / Gl. red. M.S. Bobkova [People and Texts. Historical almanac. 2014 / Ed. M. S. Bobkova]. Moskva, 2015. P. 351–372. (In Russ.)

18. Ajzenshtat M.P. Razdely po istorii Velikobritanii 19 v. (v soavtorstve) [Sections on the history of Great Britain of the 19th century (coauthored)] // Istoriya Evropy. T. 5 [History of Europe. Vol. 5]. Moskva, 2000. P. 378–390 (In Russ.)

19. Ajzenshtat M.P. Utilitarizm i kolonii [Utilitarianism and colonies] // Problemy Britanskoj istorii [Problems of British History]. Moskva, 1982. P. 177–184. (In Russ.)

20. Ajzenshtat M.P., Gella T.N. Anglijskie partii i kolonial'naya imperiya Velikobritanii v 19 veke [English parties and the Colonial Empire of Great Britain in the 19th century]. Moskva, 1999. (In Russ.)

21. Britaniya i Rossiya: sovremennye issledovaniya sociokul'turnyh aspektov vzaimodejstviya / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [Britain and Russia: modern studies of sociocultural aspects of inter-action / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2015. (In Russ.)

22. Britanskij mir. Istoriya Britanii: sovremennye issledovaniya / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [The British world. The History of Britain: Modern Studies / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2015. (In Russ.)

23. Istorik i obshchestvo. Istoricheskij fakt i politicheskaya polemika / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [Historian and society. Historical fact and Political polemics / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2011. (In Russ.)

24. Istorik i obshchestvo: nauchnaya laboratoriya issledovatelya / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [The historian and society: the Researcher's Scientific laboratory / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2009. (In Russ.)

25. Istorik i obshchestvo: otechestvennoe anglovedenie 1917–1991 gg. / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [Istorik i obshchestvo: otechestvennoe anglovedenie 1917–1991 gg. / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2008. (In Russ.)

26. Istoriya Britanii: sovremennye issledovaniya / Otv. red. M.P. Ajzenshtat [The History of Britain: Modern Studies / Ed. M.P. Eisenstatt]. Moskva, 2013. (In Russ.)

27. Rossiya i Britaniya [Russia and Britain]. Moskva, 2000. (In Russ.)

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