Poland in Soviet Foreign Policy from late 1919 to 16 July 1920

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

At the end of 1919, the leadership of the RSFSR was concerned about the restoration of industry and the establishment of international economic relations, primarily with Great Britain. On December 5, 1919, the 7th Congress of Soviets invited the Entente countries to conclude a peace treaty, thus beginning the policy of “peace offensive” of the RSFSR. The Baltic republics were the first to respond to the appeal. On February 2, 1920, peace was signed with Estonia, and negotiations with Lithuania and Latvia began. Only Poland was in no hurry to respond, despite the direct appeal to it by the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, Council of People's Commissars, and All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) and the promise of territorial concessions. J. Piłsudski was waiting for the spring. On April 25, 1920, he resumed the offensive that had been halted in October 1919. Yet, even after that, Moscow, which established direct contacts with London in May and June, hoped for peace with Warsaw. Even after the Red Army broke through the Polish front, the Soviet side did not abandon its course. Its policy changed after receiving a note from G. Curzon on the immediate commencement of peace negotiations on July 12, 1920. While discussing a response to it at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on July 16, V.I. Lenin unexpectedly proposed “to help the proletariat and the working masses of Poland to free themselves from their bourgeoisie and landlords”. In making this decision, Moscow was moving away from the policy of “peace offensive”. Yet, it did so only in the Polish direction.

Keywordscivil war in the USSR, foreign policy, RSFSR, Baltic states, Great Britain, Poland, V.I. Lenin, J. Piłsudski, diplomatic negotiations, Sovietization of Poland
AcknowledgmentThe reported study was funded by RFBR and the National Science Foundation of Bulgaria (NSFB), project № 20-59-18007.
Publication date01.05.2021
Number of characters48419
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