The Approaches of Konrad Adenauer and Angela Merkel to the Solution of Political-Military Problems: Succession or Divergence?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 2

The article attempts to carry out a comparative analysis of the approaches of Konrad Adenauer and Angela Merkel to solving problems in the field of defense and security. In addition to a long term in the leadership of the CDU and as head of the federal government, as well as a particular political style, the two German Chancellors are united by the similarity of their foreign policy tasks. In both cases, the “collective” West faced not only large-scale security challenges coming from without but also serious problems emanating from within. Against this background, the role of the FRG itself changed significantly. It seeks to assume increased responsibility not only at the regional (Euro-Atlantic subsystem) but also at the global level (in the latter case, especially under A. Merkel). At the same time, a distinctive feature of German foreign policy is the build-up and active use of military potential, which, however, is not accompanied by accusations of remilitarization.

The article highlights the strategic imperatives of K. Adenauer`s foreign policy, traces their evolution towards the end of the 2010s, and their continued significance in the "Merkel era". Based on concrete examples, the article shows how Germany has used the concepts of “dissolving” and “framework nation” in NATO for the realization of its leadership ambitions. It is also shown that both Chancellors reject the "imposition" of the speed and intermediate results of the growth of military spending on the Federal Republic by the Alliance partners (primarily, by the United States). On the examples of the “Saarland Question” and participation in the settlement of the armed conflict in Mali, the author examines Germany’s attempts to assume the role of a “senior partner” in its bilateral tandem with France.

The author concludes that the importance of national interests dominates the political agenda of both Konrad Adenauer and Angela Merkel. Considering Germany as an organic part of the “collective” West, both Chancellors have actively used the potential of integration and allied structures for the realization of German national interests.

KeywordsAdenauer, Merkel, FRG, foreign policy, negotiation process, the “collective” West, NATO, Bundeswehr, German-French tandem
Publication date21.04.2021
Number of characters55766
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