Wolfgan Schäuble: Long Life in Politics

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Cherepovets State University
Address: Russian Federation, Cherepovets
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

Wolfgang Schäuble is one of the most respected and authoritative politicians in modern Germany. After receiving a law degree, he linked his activities with the CDU, going from an ordinary member to the Chairman of the party. Holding important ministerial posts, Schäuble, despite the severe consequences of the assassination attempt in October 1990, was the right hand of the CDU leader, both under Chancellor Kohl and under Chancellor Merkel. Strong character, political flair, efficiency, and demanding attitude to oneself and others became the hallmark of Schäuble's political style. The “Crisis Manager of Europe”, as Schäuble came to be called, understood that if one country left the Euro zone, others might follow. Germany was firmly entrenched in the economy of crisis countries. Merkel was pleased with the actions of her Minister, who was called a “reserve Chancellor” behind her back. Schaeuble retained the Finance Ministry in Merkel's third government. Of course, Schäuble did not seek to replace Merkel with regards to her party’s internal affairs. In European politics, the Chancellor and the Finance Minister held similar positions, being firm adherents of a United Europe. Schäuble has written a great deal about himself over his long political life. Political scientist Gerd Langguth, who was familiar enough with the “kitchen” of the CDU, wrote that Schäuble was not a “people's tribune”, used to hiding his thoughts and feelings behind a “political mask” that “allows him to remain mysterious.” Schäuble is the author of memoirs, which, most likely, will be continued, like his biography, complementing the works already published about him.

KeywordsChristian democratic Union, Wolfgang Schaeuble, Angela Merkel, German unification, “reserve Chancellor”, Chairman of the German Bundestag
Publication date19.06.2020
Number of characters35867
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