Preparation of the Regulation “On the Temporary Structure of Administrative Management and Local Self-government of the Governorate of Estonia” in 1917: Historiographical and Source Studies Aspects

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 2

The activity of Estonian political elites increased after the Provisional Government came to power in 1917. In the spring of 1917, social and political figures of the Governorate of Estonia began to actively demand alterations of the boundaries of the province. They sought to consolidate the Estonian population within the borders of a single province. The Provisional Government adopted the Regulation "On the temporary structure of administration and local self-government of the Governorate of Estonia", which changed not only the borders of the province, but the system of local government. Soviet historians assessed the actions of the Provisional Government as forced ones. After the collapse of the USSR, Estonian historians also shared this position. The key event that forced the Provisional Government to support the Estonian demands was what the majority of Estonian historians call the demonstration of Estonians in Petrograd on March 26, 1917.

The article examines (a) the source base of existing studies and (b) the content of documents of the Provisional Government, illustrating the preparation of the Regulation on changing the administrative borders of the Governorate of Estonia as well as correspondence with Estonian public figures. A comparative analysis of the texts of the initial draft prepared by the Estonian political leaders and the final version developed by the legal commission of the Provisional Government is carried out. The author concludes that the Provisional Government supported the Estonian proposals regardless of the March 26th demonstration and the formation of the Estonian state. Not all documents were studied by historians until recently. This led to the insufficiently substantiated conclusion that the Provisional Government changed the administration of the Governorate of Estonia only under the influence of the Estonian national movement, and its policy on the national question was a continuation of Imperial traditions. The author points out that in the further study of the history of the Regulation "On the temporary structure of administrative management and local self-government of the Governorate of Estonia" it is necessary to expand the source base of the study.

KeywordsThe Provisional Government, the Estonian governorate, Revolution of 1917, national policy
Publication date27.03.2020
Number of characters23926
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