Modern Approaches to the Study of the First World War in Foreign Historiography and Archeography (the Case on the Example of the Struggle in the Russian Theaters of Naval Operations)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Russian History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 2

The paper dwells on analyzing modern foreign research and the publication of documents on the events of the First World War in Russian theaters of naval operations. After the fall of the “Iron Curtain”, and the growth of the Western scholarly circles’ and the general public’s interest in Russia and its history, foreign studies of the history of the Russian fleet in the last years of the Russian Empire received a new impetus. Expanding the range of sources used, increasing attention to Russian scholarly literature, using new approaches, and applying modern research methods allowed many foreign scholars to reach a new qualitative level of generalization of the experience of preparing the Russian Navy for World War II and its use in the campaigns of 1914—1917. In addition, in recent decades, several valuable documentary publications have been undertaken, among which the collection of diaries and letters of the German vice-admiral A. Hopman and the fundamental publication of the directive, analytical and reporting documents of the German naval command during the First World War. However, there remains a certain conceptual limitation, narrowness of the source base, insufficient awareness of the latest achievements of military-historical science in Russia. One of the ways to overcome the situation is a closer international cooperation of researchers of the history of the Great War at sea.

KeywordsFirst World War, Russian Navy, foreign historiography and archeography, sources of research
Publication date30.01.2020
Number of characters39362
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