The Features of German-Dutch Cooperation in Military-Political Sphere

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, RAS
Address: Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

Since its unification in 1990, Germany has consistently sought to increase its weight and influence both in the international arena as a whole and within the EuroAtlantic community, de facto becoming the only newly «emerging power» within it. This process increasingly meets resistance (primarily latent) from already established centres of influence in the world. In this regard, in the foreign policy of Germany, the task of building advanced allied relations with a number of small and medium-sized member states of NATO and the EU to ensure their support in the process of gaining leadership functions by Germany is ever more pressing. This article tries to explore the relations between Germany and the Netherlands in such an important, military-political sphere, considering the highest level of bilateral relations. The article tries to explore the key directions of German-Dutch cooperation in military-political sphere. Using the example of the 1st German-Dutch Corps, the experience of creating integrated military groups is studied. The article researches the political contours of bilateral cooperation, including the ramification and intensiveness of bilateral negotiation platforms used the countries. The research paper shows the tendency of chronological and territorial coincidence in the usage by Germany and the Netherlands of their military potential both as part of NATO groups in Europe and outside the area of responsibility of the Alliance. The article explains reasons for the proximity of the positions of the two countries on the growth of the share of GDP spending on military purposes and the increase in the number of personnel in the context of the obligations under the Alliance Treaty. The dynamics of military-technical cooperation, including joint development and production of combat and auxiliary equipment by the parties, is studied in the paper.

KeywordsGermany, Netherlands, bilateral cooperation, NATO, defense, security, military-technical cooperation
Publication date13.03.2020
Number of characters46283
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