Japan and the USA in the First World War: the Policy of Plunder and Expansion away from the Main Theatre of the War

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Moscow State Linguistic University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 4

When it comes to the causes, course and outcome of the World War I, as a rule (and this is quite natural for Europeans), the main emphasis is on the European theatre and the vast Asia-Pacific region and the Americas, where, despite the absence of large-scale hostilities, there were also supporters of the redistribution of world, are often forgotten. On August 23, 1914, the young state of Japan that was rapidly gaining economic and military power entered the First World Ward on the side of the Entente Cordiale. That led to the formation of the Pacific Ocean/Far East theatre of the First World War which threatened the interests and security of a number of countries, including China and Russia. Both the USA, not yet directly involved in the war, and Japan, which was far from its decisive fronts, were able to take advantage of the favourable situation for the acquisition of new territories on the American continent and increase the geopolitical status with a claim to leading positions in the world. This could not but, on the one hand, cause concern on the part of other traditional contenders for a leading role in the world, and, on the other hand, for many years exacerbate the inter-imperialist contradictions between the USA and Japan. The revolutionary events in Russia, and its unilateral withdrawal from the First World War significantly influenced the foreign and domestic policies of the former Russian allies in the Entente, including Japan, which entered the war on the side of the anti-German coalition in April 1917. These states suddenly turned against Russia, which made a huge contribution to the weakening of the German bloc, and the Soviet Republic became the object of a large-scale.

KeywordsWorld War I, Asia-Pacific region, Russia, Japan, USA, expansion, imperialism, intervention, colonization
Publication date12.08.2019
Number of characters71403
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