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1. An Article-by-Article Commentary on the Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation / D.S. Velieva, A.S. Ermakova, Yu.V. Kapitanets et al. ; edited by E.G. Lipatov, S.E. Channov. Moscow : GrossMedia, ROSBUKH, 2008. 912 p. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
2. Kuzmin V.A. A Commentary on Federal Constitutional Law No. 1-FKZ of January 30, 2002 On Martial Law (Article-by-Article) // ConsultantPlus reference legal system. 2010. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
3. Judgment of the Commercial Court of the Kirov Region. Case No. А28-1224/2021. Kirov. April 25, 2022 //АРБИТРАЖНЫЙ СУД КИРОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ.
4. Kulakov A. An Analysis of the Judicial Practice in Disputes between Business Entities and State Energy Supervision Authorities // Administrative Law. 2014. No. 3. P. 11–16.
5. Rossinsky B.V. Administrative Liability : course of lectures. Moscow : Norm, 2004. 448 p.
6. Administrative Law of the Russian Federation : textbook (2nd edition, revised and enlarged) (Popov L.L., Migachev Yu.I.) (publishing editor L.L. Popov) (RG-Press, 2019). Chapter 15. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
7. Rossinsky B.V. Administrative Liability : course of lectures. Moscow : Norm, 2004. 448 p.
8. Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation. Chapters 1–10. An Article-by-Article Scientific and Practical Commentary / R.Ch. Bondarchuk, A.B. Verzhbitsky, V.A. Vinogradov et al. ; under the general editorship of B.V. Rossinsky. Moscow : Library of Russian Newspaper, 2014. Issue VII–VIII. 800 p. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
9. Ruling of the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal No. 08АП-8674/2014 of September 23, 2014. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
10. Large scale means that the property cost exceeds two hundred fifty thousand rubles, and especially large scale means one million rubles and more. See Clause 4 of the notes to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
11. Morozova N.A. Intent and Negligence as Forms of Guilt of Legal Entities Committing an Administrative Offense // Arbitration and Civil Procedure. 2017. No. 11. P. 3–8.
12. Agapov A.B. An Article-by-Article Commentary on the Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation. Enlarged, with judicial practice files : In 2 books. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow : Statute, 2004. Book 1. 829 p. Book 2. 876 p. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
13. Zvonenko D.P., Malumov A.Yu., Malumov G.Yu. Administrative Law : textbook. Moscow : Justice Inform, 2007. 416 p. Accessed from the ConsultantPlus system.
14. See, e.g.: Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 309-ЭС22-5463 of May 11, 2022 in case No. А50П-787/2019; Judgment of the Commercial Court of the Kirov Region. Case No. А28-1224/2021. Kirov. April 25, 2022. Ibid.
15. Kulakov A. An Analysis of the Judicial Practice in Disputes between Business Entities and State Energy Supervision Authorities // Administrative Law. 2014. No. 3. P. 11–16.
16. The Prosecutor's Office Has Brought to Liability the Person Guilty of Damaging the Gas Pipeline in the Anivsky District.
17. A Citizen of Irkutsk Has Been Fined for Damaging a Gas Pipeline.
18. Persons Guilty of Damaging the Gas Pipeline in Karabash Will Be Brought to Liability.