Geography of award winners of the leading world film festivals

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

Author analyzed the world distribution of the key awards of 15 leading film festivals according to the FIAPF (fr. Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films) for all years of carrying out. It is not only the representation of the countries but the chronology and factors of it’s appearing among the winners. Certain Latin American award winners were examined through its plot. Also the films shot by directors-migrants are considered. The paper shows what images of countries and cities award winners translate to the world. Among the Latin American countries the majority of the awards was received by Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. The main town for the most outstanding movies of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. The «Brazilian» plots are often developed also in the northeast of the country. In case of Argentina the action of the winner movies happens in Buenos Aires or just in certain «big city». Many Latin American movies are connected by the scene of action and a plot with a natural dominant of the region, the Amazon river. The authentic plots (highly valued by film festival juries) can be found in the works of migrant directors. One of the brightest Mexican winner movie was directed by Diego Quemada-Díaz, who migrated from Spain to Mexico. «The golden dream» narrates about three teenagers who goes from Guatemala to the USA.

Keywordscinema industry, cinematography, film festival, creative industries, cultural industries
Publication date26.09.2019
Number of characters27995
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