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1. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov A.G. Parameters of the Legal Policy in the Power Industry / A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov // Energy Law Forum. 2020. No. 2. P. 7–15.
2. Kleandrov M.I. On the Development Vector of the Legal Regulation of the “Green” Finance of the “Green” Power Industry / M.I. Kleandrov // Energy Law Forum. 2020. No. 1. P. 26–33.
3. Popondopulo V.F. Renewable Energy Sources in the Power Industry / V.F. Popondopulo, O.A. Gorodov, D.A. Petrov // Energy Law. 2011. No. 1. P. 23–29. ; Simvolokov O.A. Legal regulation of the Development of Technologies Related to the Use of Renewable Energy Sources / O.A. Simvolokov // Russian Law Journal. 2020. No. 9. P. 53–67. ; Kologermanskaya E.M. Peculiarities of the Legal Regulation of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in the BRICS Member States / E.M. Kologermanskaya // Energy Law Forum. 2019. No. 3. P. 59–65.
4. Reports of the Renewable Energy Development Association. URL:
5. Sidorovich V. The Global Volume of Investments in RES Increased by 1% in 2019 / V. Sidorovich // RenEn. 2020. January 16. URL: increased-by-1-per-cent/
6. Norwegian DNV GL Has Created a Venture Foundation to Support Innovations in the Power Industry // Tass. 2020. March 3. URL:
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8. URL: ch-dlya-razvitiya-vie-i-umnoy-energetiki/
9. Rosatom Invests RUB 3 Billion in a Venture Foundation, i.a., for the Development of RES and Smart Energy. URL: rekomenduet-priniat-zakonoproekt-o-mikrogeneracii-5dee05f486c4a900b03d3d65.
10. The Government Has Improved Renewable Energy Project Support Mechanisms in Retail Markets // Ministry of Energy. 2020. September 1. URL:
11. The State Duma Energy Committee Has Held a Round Table Discussion on Renewable Energy Sources: The Status of Russian Laws, Development Prospects, and Ways of Improvement, Including on the Example of Power Supply of Isolated Territories. URL: item/23077170/.