The Role of Court in Times of Crisis: Issues of Credibility, Legitimacy and Practice

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher at the Judicial Law Center
Affiliation: ILCL
Address: Moscow, st. B. Cheremushkinskaya, 34
Journal nameJournal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

A comparative analysis of limitations on rights in crisis conditions indicates that the common approach of courts is to balance the effective functioning of state institutions with the protection of human rights and freedoms. The main task is to properly define a fair balance between competing demands of freedom and security, which can be successful in legal systems with flexible models of limitations and responsible judges who assess the nature of limitations in extreme conditions and can independently and impartially exercise judicial control. Every crisis requires the state to take prompt measures to protect the lives and health of people, and this is directly related to the activation of all branches of government, with the main burden falling on the executive power. At the same time, every crisis puts the legal system to the test of its true commitment to human rights. Even though restrictions seem to be the most popular tool, narrowing the scope of rights may be justified in cases where the protection of vital values cannot be achieved otherwise. The approach chosen by the state must be characterised by its legitimacy, respect for fundamental freedoms, and be used only in strictly necessary cases. The task of judges during a crisis is to skillfully demonstrate restraint and activism, guided by the principles of certainty, proportionality, and balance of rights. Modern technologies contribute to facilitating access to justice and in this sense, as paradoxical as it may sound, crisis situations serve to mobilise the rational use of opportunities and promote innovation in legal proceedings.

Keywordsrestriction of rights, freedom and security, fair balance, judicial control, certainty, proportionality, fundamental rights
Publication date05.07.2024
100 rub.
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