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1. Vildanova M.M. Peculiarities of the Legal Regulation of Activities of Operators of Commodity Supplies on the Gas Market / M.M. Vildanova // Energy Law Forum. 2020. No. 3. P. 37-43. ; Romanova V.V. Issues and Tasks of the Legal Regulation of Exchange Trade in Energy Resources in the Russian Federation and in the Eurasian Economic Union / V.V. Romanova // Energy Law Forum. 2019. No. 1. P. 9–17.
2. Romanova V.V. Issues and Tasks of the Legal Regulation of Exchange Trade in Energy Resources in the Russian Federation and in the Eurasian Economic Union / V.V. Romanova // Energy Law Forum. 2019. No. 1. P. 9–17.
3. Rules and Regulations // European Energy Exchange AG. URL: ressources/rules-and-regulations.
4. Natural Gas // European Energy Exchange AG. URL:
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8. Tyrtyshova D.O. International Trading in Gas in the Conditions of the European Natural Gas Markets Transformation: The Role and Global Prospects : thesis of PhD in Economics / D.O. Tyrtyshova. Moscow, 2018. 140 p.
9. Romanova V.V. Issues and Tasks of the Legal Regulation of Exchange Trade in Energy Resources in the Russian Federation and in the Eurasian Economic Union / V.V. Romanova // Energy Law Forum. 2019. No. 1. P. 9–17.