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1. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov A.G. Trends in the Development of Corporate Regulation in the Russian Federation and Abroad / A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 3. p. 4–10.; Zekker F.Yu. Legal Support of Corporate Governance in Companies with State Participation under the Legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany / F.Yu. Zekker // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 1. P. 16–21.; Maggs P. Corporate Governance in Companies with State Participation in the US Energy Sector / P. Maggs // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 1. P. 22–25.; Romanova V.V. Problems and Tasks of Legal Support of Corporate Governance of Companies with State Participation in the Energy Sector / V.V. Romanova // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 1. P. 8–15.
2. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov A.G. On Trends in the Development of Corporate Regulation in the Russian Federation and Abroad / A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 3. P. 5–6.
3. Romanova V.V. Problems and Tasks of Legal Support of Corporate Governance of Companies with State Participation in the Energy Sector / V.V. Romanova // Legal Energy Forum. 2020. No. 1. P. 8–15.
4. On Implementation of Orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation No. VP-P13-9308 dd. December 28, 2011 // Electronic Fund of Legal and Normative-Technical Documentation. URL: http:// (date of access: October 02, 2020).
5. Fadeeva, A. Everyone against Energostrim / A. Fadeeva // Rbc. 2013. April 30.
6. Kolontaevskaya, I. F. Problems of Interaction between Corporate Law in Russia and Foreign Countries. The Doctrine of «Piercing Corporate Veil» / I.F. Kolontaevskaya // Bulletin of the Moscow Witte University. Series 2: Legal Sciences. 2017. No. 4 (13). P. 43–48.
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