Interview with Anna A. Efimova, MOSENERGO’s Deputy Manager — Director for Legal Issues, and graduates of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), young specialists currently employed at MOSENERGO’s Legal Division

Код статьиS231243500022175-0-1
Тип публикации Разное
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 4


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Дата публикации01.12.2019
Кол-во символов11624
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1. Ms Efimova, you are a practicing lawyer in charge of the Legal Division at MOSENERGO, one of major territorial power-generating companies in Russia, and, at the same time, you are a professor at the Department of Energy Law of MSAL. Why and when did you decide to start lecturing?

3 Anna A. Efimova: Frankly speaking, before 2013 the thought of becoming a professor never crossed my mind.
4 And back then in 2013, I learned that they had established the Department of Energy Law at MSAL to be run by Viktoriya V. Romanova. It was surprising and good news, since as an employer’s representative I’m very interested in hiring qualified people with knowledge of energy law.
5 You have no idea how hard it was to find a lawyer who would be engaged at least a little in the energy sector back then (2010–2013)! In fact, we had to choose among lawyers who had worked for energy companies, and the field of their expertise was rather narrow.
6 I’ll explain: a lawyer working for a power grid company knowing the fundamentals of legislation in the power energy sector (legal regulation in the wholesale and retail market of electric power and capacity) knew nothing about the fundamentals in the heat supply sector; same as a lawyer previously employed at a heat supply company, for example, recovering accounts receivable under heat supply contracts had no idea of the wholesale and retail market of electric power and capacity. And that was the situation in just one branch of energy law, not speaking about how hard it was to find a lawyer who would also be an expert in oil and gas legislation. Headhunting for a multi-skilled energy lawyer was almost an impossible mission.
7 And all major energy companies understood that the issue had to be addressed at the level of science and education. That is why setting up the Department of Energy Law of MSAL in 2013 was welcomed by all major energy companies.
8 I was aware of the fact that it was a pilot project unprecedented in Russia and I was interested in participating. And when Viktoriya V. Romanova invited me, I accepted her invitation at once.
9 Over the six-year history of the Department, I’ve never regretted my choice. Several generations of young energy lawyers have graduated, are successfully working now for major energy companies, including MOSENERGO. And it’s pleasant to feel that you are one of those who made it happen. Operations of any energy company are always associated with legal support in various areas of legal regulation. Developing and publishing first Russian textbooks in energy law became a big event for energy lawyers. In fact, for the first time ever, sources of energy law were systematized, both for the fuel and energy sector (FES) in general and for specific branches of the energy sector.
10 For me, as head of the Legal Division of the major territorial power-generating company in Russia, teaching at the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University allowed solving our HR issues.
11 Now we hire not only from the labor market, but also during young talent training: we build the branch-specific theoretical base and teach them methods and skills of applying it in actual operations of the Company.
12 The Company offers internship for students of the Department of Energy Law of MSAL. Successful interns will be offered available jobs at the Company’s Legal Division.
13 As part of the Russian Energy Week, the Department of Energy Law organizes two contests, “Soon-to-be energy lawyer” and “Young energy lawyer”, which are very beneficial for energy law students and young lawyers in the sphere of energy. This year, the Energy Law Centre of the Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (SPbSEU) joined the contest organizer team.
14 Graduates of our Department, now young specialists of MOSENERGO’s Legal Division, are also taking part in the interview. Please, meet Nadezhda Koropets, Mariam Kortkhondzhia, Yuriy Lipin, and Anna Sedova.
15 Thank you very much, Ms Efimova! So, let the youth speak!

17 2. Mariam, why did you choose majoring in energy law and how the choice helped you to find a job at MOSENERGO?
18 Mariam: I wanted to work in the legal profession since high school. But the question was what college to choose?
19 During visiting open door events at various Moscow universities, a practically unique field, energy law, offered only by the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), caught my eye. The Department of Energy Law engages representatives of legal divisions of major energy companies as professors, so I decided to study energy law. I knew that energy sector development in Russia is strategically and economically important for the country, due to which fact the quality legal regulation of energy-related operations will also be crucial for the sector, accordingly, energy lawyers will be in great demand.
20 Sure, as many graduates, I had worries about employment, but I believed that I had made the right choice.
21 During the studies, our group was introduced to the professor of the Department of Energy Law and MOSENERGO’s Deputy Manager — Director for Legal Issues, Anna A. Efimova.

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