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1. Khudyakova L.S. Global'noe finansovoe regulirovanie v postkrizisnyj period. Novye podkhody k global'nomu finansovomu regulirovaniyu. Pod red. L.S. Khudyakovoj. Moskva, IMEhMO RAN, 2015, ss. 6-28. [Khudyakova L.S. Global’noe finansovoe regulirovanie v postkrizisnyi period [Global financial regulation in post-crisis period]. Novye podkhody k global'nomu finansovomu regulirovaniyu [New approaches to global financial regulation]. Khudyakova L.S., ed. Moscow, IMEMO, 2015, pp. 6-28.]
2. Khudyakova L.S., Kulakova V.K., Sidorova E.A., Nozdrev S.V. Global'naya reforma regulirovaniya finansovogo sektora: pervye itogi i novye vyzovy. Den'gi i kredit, 2016,№ 5, ss. 28-38. [Khudyakova L.S., Kulakova V.K., Sidorova E.A., Nozdrev S.V. Global’naya reforma regulirovaniya finansovogo sektora: pervye itogi i novye vyzovy [Global regulatory reform of financial sector: first results and new challenges]. Den’gi i kredit, 2016, № 5, pp. 28-38.]
3. Eurofi – Perspectives on Global Financial Regulation. Remarks by Svein Andresen, Secretary General, Financial Stability Board. April 6, 2017. 4 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018).
4. Proposed Framework for Post-Implementation Evaluation of the Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms. Consultation Document on Main Elements. April 11, 2017. 15 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018)
5. Stiglitz J. Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy. New York, W.W. Norton & Company. 2010. 361 p.
6. Lund S., Daruvala T., Dobbs R., Harle Ph., Kwek Ju-H., Falcon R. Financial Globalization: Retreat or Reset?Global Capital Markets 2013.McKinsey Global Institute. March 2013. 92 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018).
7. Lund S., Windhagen E., Manyika J., Harle Ph., Woetzel J., Goldshtein D. The New Dynamics of Financial Globalization. McKinsey Global Institute. August 2017. 108 p. Available at: (1).ashx (accessed 24.01.2018).
8. Sahay R., Cihak M., N’Diaye P., Barajas A., Bi R., Ayala D., Gao Yu., Kyobe A., Nguyen L., Saborowski Ch., Svirydzenka K., Yousefi S.R. Rethinking Financial Deepening: Stability and Growth in Emerging Markets. Washington, IMF, 2015. 41 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018).
9. How to Restore a Healthy Financial Sector that Supports Long-Lasting, Inclusive Growth? OECD Economics Department Policy Note no. 27. June 2015. 7 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018).
10. Towards a Theory of Sustainable Finance. Inquiry Working Paper. UNEP, October 2015. 19 p. Available at: (accessed 24.01.2018).
11. Kulakova V.K. Finansovoe regulirovanie v SShA pri novom prezidente D. Trampe. Den'gi i kredit, 2017, № 10, ss. 57-63. [Kulakova V.K. Finansovoe regulirovanie v SShA pri novom prezidente D. Trampe [Financial regulation in the US under new president D. Trump]. Den'gi i kredit, 2017, № 10, pp. 57-63.]
12. Bobylev S.N. Ustojchivoe razvitie: paradigma dlya buduschego. Mirovaya ehkonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2017, tom 61, № 3, ss. 107-113. [Bobylev S.N. Ustoichivoe razvitie: paradigma dlya budushchego [Sustainable development: a paradigm for future]. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2017, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 107-113.]
13. The Financial System We Need. Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development. The UNEP Inquiry Report. October 2015, 112 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).
14. The Financial System We Need: From Momentum to Transformation. UNEP. October 2016, 96 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).
15. Khudyakova L.S. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v razvitii “zelenogo” finansirovaniya. Den'gi i kredit, 2017, № 7, ss. 10-18. [Khudyakova L.S. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v razvitii “zelenogo” finansirovaniya [International cooperation in development of “green” financing]. Den'gi i kredit, 2017, no. 7, pp. 10-18.]
16. G7 Throws Weight behind Sustainable Finance Movement. Press Release. UNEP. June 12, 2017. Available at: http://web.unep.rg/newscentre/g7-throws-weight-behind-sustainable-finance-movement (accessed 26.01.2018).
17. Financial Centres for Sustainability. Reviewing G7 Financial Centres in Mobilizing Green and Sustainable Finance. UNEP Inquiry. June 2017. 40 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).
18. McDaniels J., RobinsN. Mobilizing Sustainable Finance for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Reviewing Experience and Identifying Options in the G7. UNEP Inquiry. June 2017. 44 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).
19. Wilkins M. How the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures May Figure into Our Ratings. S&P Global Ratings. August 16, 2017. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018)
20. 2017 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP). GPFI, July 2017. 31 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).
21. Roadmap for a Sustainable Financial System. A UN Environment – World Bank Group Initiative. UNEP Inquiry. November 2017. 102 p. Available at: (accessed 26.01.2018).