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1. Yablochkov L.D., Kremen' K.S., red. Idejnye techeniya v Tropicheskoj Afrike. Moskva, Nauka, 1969. 227 s. [Yablochkov L.D., Kremen’ K.S., eds. Ideinye techeniya v Tropicheskoi Afrike [Ideological Currents in Tropical Africa]. Moscow, Nauka, 1969. 227 p.]
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7. Voskresenskij A.D., red. Vostok i politika: Politicheskie sistemy, politicheskie kul'tury, politicheskie protsessy. Moskva, Aspekt Press, 2015. 624 s. [Voskresensky A.D., ed. Vostok i politika: Politicheskie sistemy, politicheskie kul'tury, politicheskie protsessy [East and Politics: Political Systems, Political Cultures, Political Processes]. Moscow, Aspect Press, 2015. 624 p.]
8. Zakharov A.N., Bulatov A.S., red. Yug: put' k ehkonomicheskoj nezavisimosti. Moskva, MGIMO-Universitet, 2019. 324 s. [Zakharov A.N., Bulatov A.S., eds. Yug: put' k ekonomicheskoi nezavisimosti [South: the Way to Economic Independence]. Moscow, MGIMO-Universitet, 2019. 324 p.]
9. Semenov Yu.I. Politarnyj ("aziatskij") sposob proizvodstva. Suschnost' i mesto v istorii chelovechestva i Rossii. Filosofsko-istoricheskie ocherki. Moskva, Lenand, 2019. 376 s. [Semenov Yu.I. Politarnyi ("aziatskii") sposobproizvodstva. Sushchnost' i mesto v istorii chelovechestva i Rossii. Filosofsko-istoricheskie ocherki [Politarian ("Asian") Method of Production. The Essence and Place in Human and Russian history. Philosophical and Historical Essays]. Moscow, Lenand, 2019. 376 p.]
10. Mel'yantsev V.A., Matyunina L.Kh. Ocherki makroehkonomicheskogo i finansovogo razvitiya stran Vostoka i Zapada (1980–2010-e gody). Moskva, Klyuch-S, 2019. 192 s. [Melyantsev V.A., Matyunina L.Kh. Ocherki makroekonomicheskogo i finansovogo razvitiya stran Vostoka i Zapada (1980–2010-e gody) [Essays on Macroeconomic and Financial Development of the Countries of East and West (1980s–2010s)]. Moscow, Klyuch-S, 2019. 192 p.]
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14. Leech M. What is Development Studies? The British Academy, February 20, 2020. Available at: (accessed 10.08.2020).
15. Fanon F. The Wretched of the Earth. New York, Grove Weidenfeld, 1963. 250 p.
16. Campbell H.G. African International Relations, Genocidal Histories and the Emancipatory Project. Part 1. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2020, vol. 20, no. 1, pp.115-130. DOI: 10.22363/2313-0660-2020-20-1-115-130
17. Buzgalin A.V., Voejkov M.I., red. Marks posle Marksa: Postsovetskaya shkola kriticheskogo marksizma. Moskva, Lenand, 2019. 568 s. [Buzgalin A.V., Voeikov M.I., eds. Marks posle Marksa: Postsovetskaya shkola kriticheskogo marksizma [Marx after Marx: Post-Soviet School of Critical Marxism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2019. 568 p.]
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23. Moyo D. Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. 208 p.
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26. Grachikov E.N. Stanovlenie kitajskoj shkoly mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenij: analiticheskie podkhody i metody issledovanij. Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2019, t. 19, № 2, ss. 187-200. [Grachikov E.N. Stanovlenie kitaiskoi shkoly mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii: analiticheskie podkhody i metody issledovanii [Formation of the Chinese School of International Relations: Analytical Approaches and Research Methods]. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 187-200.] DOI: 10.22363/2313-0660-2019-19-2-187-200
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28. CODERSRIA Tribute – Samir Amin (1931–2018): A Titan has Gone Home to Rest. CODESRIA, 2018. Available at: (accessed 10.08.2020).
29. Khor M. The “Singapore Issues” in the WTO: Evolution and Implications for Developing Countries. Penang, Third World Network, 2007. 65 p.
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31. Galtung J. A Structural Theory of Imperialism. Journal of Peace Research, 1971, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 81-117. DOI: 10.1177/002234337100800201
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33. Kvangraven I.H., Styve M.D., Kufakurinani U., Frutuoso S., eds. Dialogues on Development. Volume 1: Dependency. New York, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2017. 112 p.
34. Tausch A. Globalisation and Development: The Relevance of Classical “Dependency” Theory for the World Today. International Social Science Journal, 2010, vol. 61, no. 202, pp. 467-488. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2451.2011.01786.x
35. Amin S. Capitalism in the Age of Globalization. London, Zed Press, 2014. 192 p.
36. Arrighi G. Adam Smith in Bejing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century. New York, Verso, 2007. 418 p.
37. Frank A. ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1998. 416 p.
38. Rakhmanov A.B. Kontseptsiya transnatsional'nogo kapitalisticheskogo klassa v zapadnoj sotsial'noj mysli kontsa XX i nachala XXI veka (podkhody L. Sklyara, U. Robinsona i Dzh. Kharrisa). Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 18. Sotsiologiya i politologiya, 2015, № 2, ss. 98-114. [Rakhmanov A.B. Kontseptsiya transnatsional'nogo kapitalisticheskogo klassa v zapadnoi sotsial'noi mysli kontsa XX i nachala XXI veka (podkhody L. Sklyar, W. Robinson i J. Harris [The Conception of the Transnational Capitalist Class in the Social in the Late 20th and the Early 21st Centuries (Perpespectives of L. Sklyar, W. Robinson and J. Harris)]. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science, 2015, no. 2, pp. 98-114.]
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41. Bond P. The BRICS’ Centrifugal Geopolitical Economy. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 535-549. DOI: 10.22363/2313-0660-2018-18-3-535-549
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45. Vinogradov A.V., Degterev D.A., Spirina D.V., Trusova A.A. "Pekinskij konsensus" v mezhdunarodnom i vnutrikitajskom politicheskom diskurse. Problemy Dal'nego Vostoka, 2018, № 3, cc. 17-28. [Vinogradov A.V., Degterev D.A., Spirina D.V., Trusova A.A. "Pekinskii konsensus" v mezhdunarodnom i vnutrikitaiskom politicheskom diskurse [Beijing Consensus" in the International and Domestic Chinese Political Discourse]. Far Eastern Affairs, 2018, no. 3, pp. 17-28.]
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53. QS World University Ranking by Subject, 2019. Development Studies. Available at: (accessed 10.08.2020).