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1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federatsii ot 30.11.2016 g. № 640 "Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii vneshnej politiki Rossijskoj Federatsii". [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 640 of 30.11.2016 on Approval of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 17.12.2019).
2. Abramova I.O. Novaya rol' Afriki v mirovoj ehkonomike KhKhI veka. Moskva, Institut Afriki RAN, 2013. 323 s. [Abramova I.O. Novaya rol' Afriki v mirovoi ekonomike XXI veka [The New Role of Africa in the World Economy of the XXI Century]. Moscow, Institute for African Studies RAS, 2013. 323 p.]
3. Fituni L., Abramova I. Resource Potential of Africa and Russia’s National Interests in the XXI Century. Moscow, Institute for African Studies RAS, 2013. 227 p.
4. Rossiya–Afrika: strukturnyj podkhod k sotrudnichestvu v ramkakh novoj ehkonomicheskoj real'nosti. [Russia–Africa: a Structural Approach to Cooperation in the Framework of the New Economic Reality (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 04.12. 2019).
5. Deklaratsiya pervogo sammita Rossiya–Afrika. [Declaration of the First Russia–Africa Summit (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 10.12.2019).
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10. ITC. Trade Map. Available at: (accessed 12.12.2019).
11. Top-5 rossijskikh voennykh kontraktov s Afrikoj v 2019 godu vozglavili istrebiteli Su-35S. [Top 5 Russian Military Contracts with Africa in 2019 Headed by SU-35S (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 19.12.2019).
12. Renking privlekatel'nosti zarubezhnykh stranovykh rynkov dlya rossijskogo ehksporta nesyr'evykh neehnergeticheskikh tovarov 2018. [Ranking of Attractiveness of Foreign Country Markets for Russian Exports of Non-Primary Non-Energy Products 2018 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 17.12.2019).
13. Volkov S., Tkachenko A. Ehkonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo Rossii so stranami Severnoj Afriki. Mirovaya ehkonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2019, t. 63, № 7, cs. 57-66. [Volkov S., Tkachenko A. Ekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo Rossii so stranami Severnoi Afriki [Economic Cooperation of Russia with the Countries of North Africa]. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2019, vol. 63, no. 7, rr. 57-66.] DOI:10.20542/0131-2227-2019-63-7-57-66
14. Rossijskaya promyshlennaya zona v Arabskoj Respublike Egipet. Kompanii uchastvuyuschie v proekte i podpisavshie soglasheniya o namereniyakh. [Russian Industrial Zone in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Companies Participating in the Project and Signing Agreements of Intent (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 31.12.2019).
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16. “Transmashkholding Vengriya” postavit 1.3 tys. vagonov v Egipet. [Transmashholding Hungary will Supply 1.3 Thousand Cars to Egypt (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 04.12.2019).
17. Promyshlennaya kooperatsiya – potentsial'nye tochki rosta. [Industrial Cooperation – Potential Growth Points (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 23.12. 2019).
18. Proekt Zokhr, Egipet. [Zohr Project, Egypt (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 02.12.2019).
19. Dobycha gaza na mestorozhdenii Zohr v I polugodii vyrosla v 3,6 raza – do 11,3 mlrd kub. m. [Gas Production at the Zohr Field in the First Half of the Year Increased by 3.6 Times – up to 11.3 Billion Cubic Meters (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 06.12.2019).
20. Na shel'fe i sushe. Rosneft' sovmestno s Exxon Mobil zajmetsya razvedkoj nefti v Mozambike. [On the Shelf and on Land. Rosneft Together with Exxon Mobil will be Engaged in Oil Exploration in Mozambique (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 06.12.2019).
21. TASS: interv'yu general'nogo direktora AO "Rosgeologiya" Romana Panova v ramkakh MEhF 2018. [TASS: Interview of the General Director of JSC "Rosgeologia" Roman Panov in the Framework of the IEF. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 24.12.2019).
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23. Rosgeologiya vedet peregovory o novykh proektakh v Egipte. [Rosgeologia is Negotiating New Projects in Egypt (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 25.12.2019).
24. Geofizicheskie, geokhimicheskie i geologicheskie proekty, vypolnennye gruppoj kompanij "Tellur" v 2007–2018 gg. [Geophysical, Geochemical and Geological Projects Carried out by the Tellur Group of Companies in 2007-2018 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 24.12.2019).
25. Institut mineral'nykh resursov stran Afriki, Azii i Ameriki. [Institute of Mineral Resources of Africa, Asia and America (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 25.12. 2019).
26. VimpelCom delaet pogodu. [VimpelCom Makes the Weather (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 17.12.2019).
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29. Bezopasnaya Afrika. [Safe Africa (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 17.01.2020).
30. Vystuplenie S.V. Lavrova “Mir i bezopasnost' v Afrike: partnerstvo vo imya ukrepleniya regional'nogo mira i bezopasnosti”. [Sergey Lavrov's Speech "Peace and Security in Africa: Partnership for Strengthening Regional Peace and Security" (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 17.01.2020).
31. Mirotvorchestvo v Afrike. [Peacekeeping in Africa (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 16.01.2020).