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5. Cohen Jerome A. Xi Jinping sees some pushback against his iron-fisted rule. The Washington Post, 02.08.2018. Available at: (accessed 02.09.2018).
6. Xu Zhangrun. Imminent Fears, Immediate Hopes. A Beijing Jeremiad. Translated with commentary and notes by Geremie R. Barmé. China Heritage. The Wairarapa Academy for New Sinology, July 2018. Available at: (accessed 01.05.2019).
7. A Chinese Law Professor Criticized Xi. Now He’s Been Suspended. New York Times, 26.03.2019. Available at: (accessed 29.05.2019).
8. Donald Clarke, David Yeliang Xia, Sarah Biddulph, Teng Biao, Taisu Zhang, Jerome A. Cohen, Margaret Lewis, Orville Schell. What Does the Punishment of a Prominent Scholar Mean for Intellectual Freedom in China? ChinaFile, 28.03.2019. Available at: (accessed 29.05.2019).
9. Xu Zhangrun Archive. China Heritage. The Wairarapa Academy for New Sinology, 22.04.2019. Available at: (accessed 01.06.2019).
10. Cook Sarah. The Remarkable Survival of Free Thought and Activism in China. The regime’s repressive efforts are increasing, but they are also failing in important ways. The Diplomat, 23.05.2019. Available at: (accessed 25.05.2019).
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12. Karneev A.N. Nekotorye tendentsii v idejno-politicheskoj sfere v KNR v ehpokhu Si Tszin'pina. Materialy nauchnoj konferentsii “70 let sovremennomu kitajskomu gosudarstvu” v IDV RAN. 20 i 22 marta 2019 g. (v pechati). [Karneev A.N. Nekotorye tendentsii v ideino-politicheskoi sfere v KNR v epohu Si Czin'pina. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii “70 let sovremennomu kitaiskomu gosudarstvu” v IDV RAN. 20 i 22 marta 2019 g. (v pechati) [Several Trends in the Development of Political-and-ideological Sphere in PRC under Xi Jinping. Papers of the Conference “70 Years of the Contemporary Chinese Polity”, held at the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies March, 20–22, 2019 (In print.)]].
13. 严元章同志与‘八青年关注团’的斗争经验. 红色中国网, 01.01.2019. [Comrade Yan Yuanzhang and the Fighting Experience of 'The group of Support for Eight Young Marxists'. Red China, 01.01.2019. (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 19.02.2019).
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19. Xu Zhangrun. China’s Red Empire – To Be or Not To Be? Translated excerpts by Geremie R. Barmé. (Working draft, 16 January 2019). China Heritage. The Wairarapa Academy for New Sinology, 27.01.2019. Available at: (accessed 21.04.2019).
20. 李伟东。走不通的“红色帝国之路”. 博讯新闻网, 19.10.2013. [The Path of Building a “Red Empire”, which is Probably Impossible to Pursue. Boxun News, 19.10.2013. (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 22.04.2019).
21. Lomanov A.V. Kitajskaya diskussiya o “krasnom imperializme” i otnoshenii k Sovetskoj Rossii. Novaya i novejshaya istoriya, 2019, № 1, cs. 48-63. [Lomanov A.V. Kitaiskaya diskussiya o “krasnom imperializme” i otnoshenii k Sovetskoi Rossii [Chinese Debate on the “Red Imperialism” and Attitudes towards Soviet Russia]. Novaya i noveishaya istoriya, 2019, no. 1, pp. 48-63.] DOI:10.31857/S013038640003804-2
22. China Under Xi Jinping: The First Term and the Future. NYC Humanities Calender, Columbia University, Weatherhead East Asian Institute. Available at: (accessed 15.05.2019).