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1. 习近平在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上的讲话 (2016年5月17日), 人民日报, 2016年05月19日, 02版 [Xi Jinping’s Speech at the Symposium on the Work in Philosophy and Social Sciences (17 May 2016). People’s Daily, 19.05.2016 (In Chin.)]
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3. 中共中央印发“关于加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学的意见” [CCP Central Committee Issued the “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics” (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 05.05.2019).
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14. 习近平主持召开经济形势专家座谈会强调 更好认识和遵循经济发展规律 推动我国经济持续健康发展, 人民日报, 2014年07月09日, 01版 [Xi Jinping Presided over the Symposium of Experts on Economic Situation and Stressed: Understand Better and Follow the Laws of Economic Development, Promote Sustained Healthy Development of China’s Economy. People’s Daily, 09.07.2014 (In Chin.)]
15. 习近平在中共中央政治局第二十八次集体学习时强调 立足我国国情和我国发展实践 发展当代中国马克思主义政治经济学, 人民日报, 2015年11月25日, 01版 [At the 28th Collective Study Session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping Stressed: Base Ourselves on China’s National Conditions and China’s Development Practice, Develop Contemporary Chinese Marxist Political Economy. People’s Daily, 25.11.2015 (In Chin.)]
16. 习近平主持召开经济形势专家座谈会强调 坚定信心 增强定力 坚定不移推进供给侧结构性改革, 人民日报, 2016年07月09日, 01版 [Xi Jinping Presided over the Symposium of Experts on Economic Situation and Stressed: Strengthen Confidence, Enhance Determination, Unswervingly Promote Supply-side Structural Reform. People’s Daily, 09.07.2015 (In Chin.)]
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20. 逄锦聚. 构建和发展中国特色社会主义政治经济学的三个重大问题, 经济研究, 2018年第11期, 第4-16页 [Pang Jinju. Three Important Issues in the Construction and Development of the Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Economic Research Journal, 2018, no. 11, pp. 4-16 (In Chin.)]
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24. 高培勇主编. 中国经济学探索之路 –“经济研究”复刊40周年纪念文集 (全二册). 北京, 中国社会科学出版社, 2018. 795页 [Gao Peiyong, ed. Chinese Economic Exploration road – Commemorating 40 Years of the Reprinting of the “Economic Research Journal” (2 volumes). Beijing, China Social Sciences Press, 2018. 795 p. (In Chin.)]
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