Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Global technological transformation and a new paradigm of military affairs

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
P. LUMUMBA Peoples´ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 12

The authors believe that, in the first approximation, the core determinants are: global technological transformation and a paradigm shift in military affairs, geo-economic divergence as a result of geopolitical confrontation and radical shifts in the demographic matrix of the region. In this article, the authors focused on the first and second topics. In Latin America, which retains signs of periphery, there will be a phase lag in technological renewal, complicated by the complexity of society and the economy. To a certain extent, the LCA remains aloof from the main line of geopolitical confrontation, but at the same time it does not escape the indirect impact of the military revolution. We are talking about changes in the regional market of military equipment, as well as the evolution of the functional use of the armed forces.

KeywordsLatin-Caribbean America, determinants of development, technological transformation, a new paradigm of military affairs
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared within the project "Post-crisis world order: challenges and technologies, competition and cooperation" supported by the grant from Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation program for research projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development (Agreement № 075-15-2020-783).
Publication date05.12.2023
Number of characters16570
100 rub.
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