The State, democracy and the incompleteness of the social project: the Chilean experience

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 8

The article examines the main directions and results of the political and social modernization undertaken by the democratic governments of Chile during 2000-2019, identifies both the unconditional achievements associated with the gradual democratization of the political sphere, and the unresolved problems. Large-scale policies aimed at overcoming poverty and social exclusion, radically changing the education system, did not significantly reduce social inequality, create effective elevators for young people from the poorest strata. The reformism of the second government of M.Bachelet (2014-2018) increased the effect of disappointed expectations and the growing public disillusionment. The divergence of the results of political and social modernization, the conflict of new political opportunities, especially felt by young people, and old social approaches, became the main reason for the protest movement. The article analyzes the internal political processes, the decline of traditional left-centrism and the strengthening of radical tendencies, as well as the prospects for overcoming the crisis associated with the results of the national plebiscite on October 25, 2020.

KeywordsChile, political modernization, social policy, protest movement, plebiscite October 25, 2020
Publication date02.08.2021
Number of characters38101
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