Venezuela through the Prism of Pan-Germanism: Towards Understanding the Venezuelan Crisis (1902-1903) in German Society

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kostroma State University
Address: Russian Federation, Kostroma
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 8

The article deals with the formation of German colonial ideology in South America. The example of Venezuela is used to study the "discovery" of South America by German society in the late 19th — early 20th centuries, as well as the controversial policy of establishing Germany on the other side of the Atlantic. Germany's participation in the Venezuelan crisis (1902-1903) demonstrates the split in German society between the government and the nationalist-minded part of society, the manipulation of whose consciousness becomes a means of non-political influence for the Pan-German league (Alldeutscher Verband). The Venezuelan crisis, as part of the local diplomatic crises on the eve of the First World War, demonstrates the interest of the German government in the new status of a "world power", although national identity is now formed by German nationalists. Since there is no unity between official Berlin and the public in understanding the essence of colonialism, a paradox arises, which has become the subject of scientific study relatively recently. The article also problematizes one of the classic theses of imperialist theory the economic expansion is followed by territorial claims.

KeywordsVenezuela, Pan-German Union, Venezuelan crisis, colonialism, naval blockade
Publication date02.08.2021
Number of characters30529
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