The Comintern and the evolution of the trade union movement in the countries of the Southern Cone in XX-XXI century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 12

In all countries of Latin America, the basis for the formation of the left movement was the trade union associations that arose in the last quarter of the XIX century. Throughout the pre-war period, links with trade unions remained one of the most important issues on the agenda of the Comintern in the Latin American region. In the postwar years, trade unions became one of the foundations of left-wing coalitions to combat military regimes. This article discusses the influence of the Comintern - its activities and programs - on the formation of the trade union movement in the countries of the Southern Cone. On the basis of the documents of the Comintern and the Communist Parties, the documents of the trade unions, the article defines the stages of the development of trade union movement, the correlation of its national features with the consequences of the influence of Moscow.

KeywordsUruguay, Argentina, Chile, trade union movement, labor movement, Comintern
Publication date30.11.2020
Number of characters30729
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