“Chilean way to socialism” and opponents left in the 60s. On the 50th anniversary of the victory of the People´s Unity in Chile

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The history of the left in Chile is traditionally limited to its largest parties and movements, bypassing the numerous parties and groups, nevertheless, who made a significant ideological and political contribution to the development and implementation of the left socio-political alternative. 60s of the XXth century in Chile was a very fruitful and creative period for all left forces, the period of the formation of the new left, which contrasted itself with the traditional left parties of the Communists and Socialists, following the line of the electoral coalition, whose roots went back to the VII Congress of the Comintern and the Chilean Popular Front of the 30s. All discussions of that time were actually a continuation of the debates of the Comintern times. The central place in them was occupied by the experience of the Cuban revolution, Sino-Soviet differences. This article is devoted to the birth and history of these left-wing parties in the 60s of the XXth century.

Keywordscommunism, socialism, maoism, Chile, Allende, Enríquez, Unidad Popular
Publication date30.10.2020
Number of characters40939
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