Development of Magallanes: drivers of growth and disintegration risks

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article discusses the features of the development of the regions of Chile with the example of outlying district Magallanes. The country is experiencing strong imbalances of the socio-economic development, in particular, production concentration and investments in Santiago and regions wealthy in resources (Antofagasta). However, the observed region is considered to be prosperous, even not possessing significant natural resource capacity. A group of possible growth drivers of Magallanes is analyzed: diversified economy, high level of urbanization, positive balance of migration, collective regional identity and the role of region as stepping stones for reclamation of Antarctica. Essential differences in the vital spheres of social life and activities of dwellers relative to the characteristics of the population of the rest of the Chile are revealed. On the other hand, the same growth drivers increase the risks of potential disintegration of Magallanes. In the article the author focuses on the relationship of the growth factors and the factors of potential disintegration.

Keywordsregional development, Chile, Magallanes, socio-economic imbalances, disintegration
Publication date30.10.2020
Number of characters24707
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