Discussions about the New World Order in the Context of Scientific Diplomacy

Publication type Review
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

In 2023, the Institute of World History, in partnership with the Russian Historical Society, organized several landmark international scientific events dedicated to the formation of a new world order. First of all, the article analyzes the international academic conference “Formation and change of international political systems. Experience of history for the contemporary world order”, in which, in addition to famous Russian speakers, foreign experts from 17 countries took part. The topics of the conference touched upon the issues and circumstances of the formation and change of international political systems, from Westphalia in the 17th century to Yalta-Potsdam in the 20th century, as well as the main trends of the modern stage of international relations, including political, economic, social and, very importantly, value aspects question. Based on the results of the events held in 2023, it was decided to prepare a concept document for a new multipolar world by March 1, 2024, the discussion of which will take place in the spring of 2024, also with the participation of foreign experts. Thus, the scientific discussions held in 2023 are an example of genuine science diplomacy, securing Russia’s status as one of the leaders in this new scientific direction.

KeywordsWorld order, science diplomacy, international political systems, international cooperation, global South, Cold War
Publication date31.01.2024
Number of characters15670
100 rub.
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